Topics of unconscious bias for Gender, Disability & more

Funded by Remarkable, Cerebral Palsy Alliance, NSW for Family and Community Services and Telstra Foundation, Gender and Disability Focuses on key biases for both gender and disability, with two different experiences.

Ranked the #1 most popular business application on the virtual reality app store, viveport of 296 applications in 2018.

Topics of Unacceptable behavior and Biases for Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias & Culture Bias

Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias around Maternity leave, and Culture bias around aboriginal discrimination & bullying..

Together we prototyped an application around unconscious bias, and published a report on the potential of VR for unconscious bias which went viral in the HR space.

We received funding from Remarkable & The Cerebral Palsey Alliance to build inclusive technology for people with disabilities, and released our first public VR training application around gender and disability.

We took on the Royal Australian Navy as our first client. We worked directly with the Chief of the Navy training the executive team. developing VR training for Sexual Harassment, Culture Bias on aboriginal inclusive & Gender Bias around maternity.

We received funding from Queensland State Government, and took on Australia’s largest bank as a client building and running VR training for LGBT Descrimination. A case study of 161 people. 99% of people understood descrimination. Receiving an NPS of 91, when world class D&I typically gets 60.

As our client base grew, we did more case studies. A nation wide roll-out with Domain & MWAH saw everyone in the company share an experience, embedding D&I in their culture and resulting in 96% feeling prepared to act on it in the workplace.

Chief Of Navy, Admiral Tim Barrett, and Deputy Chief Of Navy, Rear Admiral Michael Joseph Noonan, with Rick and Brennan from Equal Reality! 2017-11-1