Quest Quest Device Setup Guide

What's in the box?

Oculus headset

2 x touch controllers

Power adapter

Power chord

Glasses spacer

2 x AA batteries

Reference Guide

Safety & Warranty Manual

Step 1: Setup email aliases for each device

In this guide, I'm assuming that you are setting up multiple Oculus Quest devices for your organisation. Oculus makes this a little difficult, because you can only setup one device per Oculus Quest account. I assume they are doing this because they want organisations with multiple devices to pay more for an enterprise licence, but for now we are just going to get around it.

If you only have 1 device, you feel free to skip this step and just create an Oculus account under your own company email address when we get to that step. If you have multiple devices (and/or are planning on buying more in the future) I'd recommend you be a bit more organized and systematic about how you setup email addresses, as each device will need its own email address.

The best option is to ask your IT department to setup a separate email address for each device, which is an alias of your own email address. When an email is sent to the alias email address, it will actually be sent to you. This will allow you to setup multiple Oculus Quest accounts (one for each device) using separate email addresses, but all of the emails will go to your email account (e.g. password changes, confirmations, etc)


For example, let's say this is the scenario:

Ask your IT department to setup 5 email addresses that are an alias of your email account, These 5 emails might be:

Step 2: Download The Oculus App

  • On your phone/tablet/other device, go to the app store and download the Oculus app

Step 3: Create An Oculus Account For The Device

1. Open up the Oculus app and select 'Create new account'

2. Select 'Create Oculus account using email'

3. Enter in the email you created for the device you are setting up. Each device will need its own email address.

4. Create a password. I recommend using the same password for all the Oculus devices you setup, just for simplicity. Make sure you remember what the password is, especially if you have different ones for each device!

5. Create a username. I recommend using a naming convention like companyxyz_1 for device #1, and company_xyz_2 for device #2. This will make things a lot easier to manage, especially as you get more devices in the future.

6. Just put your name here. It doesn't really matter. You don't need a different name for each device.

7. I recommend changing both of these settings to 'just you' for privacy. It shouldn't be a problem if you aren't connected to Facebook. Just tap on the option to change it.

8. You don't need to add a credit card. This is just for if you want to purchase games and apps from the Oculus store. If you don't intend to make purchases on the store, just skip this. You can setup a card later if you change your mind.

9. You'll be asked to create a pin. This isn't super relevant unless you plan on making purchases, but its probably a good idea to select the same pin for each device you setup. Make sure you remember it or write it down.

Step 4: Setup The Oculus Device

This step continues on from the previous one, now that the account has been created for the Oculus device.

1. Select the Oculus Quest option to start setting it up

2. Click 'Start'

3. Plug in your headseat by following the instructions. You should see a yellow light show up on the side of your headset. Click 'continue'.

4. Press and hold the power button for 2 seconds to turn the headset on.

5. For this step, you will need to make sure Bluetooth is turned on on your phone.

Place the headset on your head. Adjust the straps on the top and side until you can clearly read what is on the display. If the display looks blurry, then your straps aren't adjusted correctly.

Once the headset is on, you should see a code displayed in the bottom right hand corner. Enter that code in your Oculus app.

6. Choose a wifi network.

PLEASE NOTE: This step is unlikely to work properly on your company's wifi network if you work in a big organisation and/or requires you to login in an online webpage. Most organisations have firewalls and all kinds of things setup that will block devices such as the Oculus Quest from completing the installation in the next step. A lot of organisations also require you to authenticate on a webpage, which won't work for this purpose. You need to use a wifi network that you can just connect to without any bells and whistles e.g. your home network.

We've gotten around this before when setting up multiple devices on a university campus. We set up a wifi hotspot on a phone, and just tethered our device to it. If you are unsure, go see your IT department and they may be able to complete the rest of the setup for you or get you sorted out.

7. Insert a battery into each controller, and press 'Next'

8. Pair the controllers.

9. Select the language

10. Add a credit card if you want to make purchases on the Oculus store. Otherwise, select 'Add later'

11. Play the Oculus safety video. You'll have to play this video every time you setup a new device, as there is no way to skip it.

12. Acknowledge the safety warning.

13. Your headset is now all set up on the Oculus App. The instructions will tell you to put the headset on to complete setup, but we'll want to complete an extra step (turning on developer settings) before we do that.

Step 5: Set Up Your Organisation As A Developer (ONLY DO THIS ONCE)

Most Oculus Quest users will just be downloading VR apps from the Oculus store. If you want to use our Equal Reality apps, you'll need to have your organisation setup as a developer, and then in the next step we'll be turning on developer settings for each Oculus device you setup.

So, if you haven't setup your organisation as an Oculus Developer, you'll need to do that. Ideally, you'll use your main Oculus account (i.e. the account attached to your first Oculus device) to setup your developer account. Once the developer account is setup, you'll be able to add additional oculus devices as developers under your organisation. This means you'll have one organisation, and multiple devices registered under that organisation.

To setup your organisation for the first time, follow these instructions:

  • Go to
  • Login to the oculus account that you want to 'own' the organisation. This should be your main Oculus account (e.g.
  • Once logged in, go to Community > Developer
  • Open the menu on the top left hand side then go to Manage
  • If you don't have an organisation setup on this account, it will ask you to setup an organisation. Go through this process.

Step 6: Add The Oculus Account As A Developer Of Your Organization (FOR MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS)

Only do this if you have multiple accounts

  • You should be logged into on a computer, under the Oculus account that setup your organization. I recommend just staying logged in on a computer under this Oculus account as you setup all your devices, as you'll need to add multiple new Oculus accounts under your organization
  • Go to Community > Developers
  • Open the menu on the top left hand side then go to Manage
  • Your organization should be setup on the side, now.
  • Go to Manage > *Organization Name* > Members
  • Click 'Add developer'
  • Enter the username of the Oculus account you want to add as a developer
  • NOTE: if you created your organisation under, for example, the account called equalreality_1, then there is no need to add that username here. That account is already added as a developer.

When adding a developer account, if you get the error "You cant change the role of the organization owner" , you may skip this step for this account.

Step 7: Turn On Developer Settings In The Oculus App

  • Now that you've added the device's Oculus account as a developer in your organization, you're ready to turn on developer settings within the Oculus app.
  • Make sure you are still logged into the Oculus mobile app under the account you created in step 3 (i.e. the account associated with the particular Oculus device you are setting up)

1. On the main menu, select 'Settings'

2. Select your device > more settings

3. Select 'Developer mode'

4. Turn on the developer settings

Step 8. Complete Oculus Setup In The Headset

  • The final step is to simply put on the Oculus headset and follow the instructions given to you.
  • You will be shown how to adjust the device on your head, and setup the guardian (the barrier that defines your playspace)
  • Oculus will also put you through a VR tutorial so you can become familiar with using the Oculus Quest. You can exit out of it at any time by clicking the menu button on your controller.