VR Experiences

Our team has developed custom experiences and co-designed learning programs for globally-recognized brand names and social innovation leaders, creating world class award winning learning programs in the following topics:

  • Gender Bias - 1, 2, 3, 4

  • Maternity Leave - 1, 2

  • Racial Bias - 1, 2

  • Disability Bias - 1

  • Introverts & Extroverts - 1

  • In Groups and Out Groups -1, 2, 3

  • Positions of Power - 1

  • LGBT+ Discrimination - 1

  • Conversations of Performance - 1

  • Domestic Violence - 1

  • Cultural Bias - 1

Topics of inclusive behavior for Gender, Race & more

Everyday Inclusion is an application co-designed with Cornell University's Diversity & Inclusion Department, & Cornell University's Interactive Theater Team, lead by Angela Winfield and Dane Cruz. The VR experience addresses the topic of Unconscious Bias, Intersectionality, including themes of Race and Gender.

Designed in collaboration with Carlton United Breweries (CUB), is part of the multi-award winning learning program We're All In, on inclusion

Designed in collaboration with Carlton United Breweries (CUB), is part of the multi-award winning learning program We're All In, on inclusion

"They jump back, step away, they gasp, they try to find their voice, they ask to be included, and when dismissed, they physically shrink.And when they can’t do any of those things – the learning sticks and the real conversations begins." ~ Rhonda Brighton-Hall, CEO - MWAH. Making Work Absolutely Human

Topics of unconscious bias for Gender, Disability & more

Funded by Remarkable, Cerebral Palsy Alliance, NSW for Family and Community Services and Telstra Foundation, Gender and Disability Focuses on key biases for both gender and disability, with two different experiences.

Ranked the #1 most popular business application on the virtual reality app store, viveport of 296 applications in 2018.

Topics of exclusionary behavior and abusing positions of power

Collaborating with Domain Group and mwah. to scale transformational culture change, countrywide, across a portfolio of brands. Power and Exclusion was developed to give a shared experience at every level of an organization towards understanding the importance of diversity and inclusion, and being able to act on it.

98% Understand their personal role to play in D&I

93% See Domain’s Executive Leadership Team as fully committed to D&I

89% Confident to play a role in ensuring an inclusive culture

How to have a conversation around poor performance.

Designed in Collaboration with Port Macquarie Hastings Council, a Benchmark Awards Finalist 2019.

Experience a harsh review from your manager, and then replay the situation as the manager.

Practice reviewing your staff. How can you change your language to affect better outcomes in your staff?

Topics of LGBT Discrimination in customer service.

Partnering with a world leading bank to drive increased empathy and employee engagement, while testing the efficacy of VR to increase know-how, promote personal accountability, and create behavior change at one of the world’s leading banks.

  • 99.2% of 161 participants understood how it felt to receive discrimination.

  • 96% felt prepared to act if they were to see this behavior in the workplace.

  • Over 99% understand the reporting options available to them.

"I don't think role plays will ever cut it again in this space. Participants able to empathise and discuss the experiences ... with detail that just wouldn't be possible without actually experiencing it themselves." ~ Nic Barry- Digital Learning & Organisational Capability, Domain Group

Domestic Violence

Built with NSW Police

Topics of Unacceptable behavior and Biases for Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias & Culture Bias

Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias around Maternity leave, and Culture bias around aboriginal discrimination & bullying..

A Seat at the Table

Built with Watermark

Learn about the research that powers what we do